30 Ways To Market Using Social Media

7 min readDec 29, 2020


It seems like every few years, a new social network emerges from the woodwork and becomes popular. All too frequently, businesses and marketers shrug off social media as a means for traffic and lead generation. This is a huge mistake.

You see, social media has been around for ages, and with the rising popularity of technology, ease of use, and high-speed connections — it’s only here to stay for the long haul.

What this means is that you need to start taking action and marketing your brand, business, or products on the various social media platforms. You may not see the benefits or value in investing the time and efforts towards establishing yourself on any social networking site, and that’s completely fine.

But by the end of this course, I hope to change your mind and get you excited to take action towards social marketing as a whole.

Without spending another minute of your time talking, let’s just jump right into the 30 different ways that you can market your brand, business, products, or anything else, entirely using social media.

Market On Facebook

In this section, we’re going to look over and briefly explain just a few of the different ways that you can market your brand, business, or anything else on Facebook.

Create A Facebook “Page” For Your Business, Brand, Or Product

Facebook expanded years back to allow users to create what’s known as a “Page” and it hosts all of the pertinent information about your brand, business, or anything else that your page is centered around. Users can like your page, and then they will see updates from you about anything you post. This is not only easy to do, it’s also one of the best ways to market on Facebook as a whole.

Join Groups That Are Relevant To Your Niche Or Brand

Groups are an extremely powerful marketing and community tool that you can utilize in so many ways. Essentially, groups exist for any sort of topic you can think of. These groups may be public or private. What’s neat about the group feature is that users will receive notifications for every post, which means you can get guaranteed traffic if you contribute valuable content and posts.

Use Facebook Ads To Remarket To Prospects

Facebook custom audiences allow you to show ads to people who have already visited your website. This is called remarketing (also known as retargeting). Advertisers can show product ads to Facebook users who left the website before purchasing a ticket.

Remarketing can be a very effective strategy because people rarely buy the first time they hear of a product or see an offer. This is especially true for big-ticket items like conferences and conventions.

Curate And Cross Post Content From Anywhere

This is almost a no-brainer, but it needs to be mentioned. If you’re a blogger, write articles, sell information products, or anything else, this is valuable to you. You should cross-post anything you create on the web, on your Facebook page, or even in groups as well. Make sure that you don’t post the entirety of an article or blog post, but rather summarize it or share a teaser, and then link to the full post at the end.

Run Paid (And Targeted) Advertisements On Facebook To Reach New People

When you consider how gigantic the audience is on Facebook, you realize that the advertising potential is also huge. You can laser target different niches and users depending on keywords, interests, behaviors they’ve taken, and so much more. Better yet, there are countless courses out there that will teach you how to get clicks (and sales) from Facebook for pennies each. Though we mentioned re-targeting user’s before, there’s enormous potential to target completely new user’s as well. You can use ads to gain leads for your list, sales for products, or likes for your page.

Market On Twitter

Twitter has been around for a while now and it’s definitely not going anywhere. What’s neat about Twitter is that it tends to have a very dedicated user base that checks their timeline regularly. Furthermore, people will always see your tweets, meaning that your posts don’t get hidden, unliked by Facebook’s algorithms. You can easily drive tons of FREE highly targeted traffic using Twitter for any niche or business, and to prove it, here are just a few methods for marketing on the platform.

Reply To Other Users And Answer Questions

Search for tweets that contain keywords related to your business or products and if they’re questions or anything — reply to them. This is your opportunity to not only make connections with others but also to drive traffic and even get conversions too.

Follow Active Accounts That Follow Other “Authority”

This is somewhat of a grey-hat tactic, but as long as you don’t go overboard with it, there’s truly no harm done. What you want to do is find the major players in your niche or market, and then view their followers and people that interact with their tweets. Go ahead and follow those accounts, or even interact with them. This is an excellent way to gain new followers and easy free traffic. There’s even software that can automate this kind of stuff for you.

Run A Contest Or Poll To Encourage Users To Take An Action of Some Sort

An integrated feature on Twitter allows you to create polls and even contests through other 3rd party websites. This is an excellent way to generate tons of engagement, conversions, and traffic for anything you want.

Market On YouTube

At this point, there’s really no excuse for you to not be utilizing YouTube in your business, especially with how easy it’s become to create awesome videos. With that said, if you’re still thinking of a way to implement YouTube into your business and your marketing strategy, this is for you.

The following are just a few ways you can take advantage of the massive authority and ever-growing pool of traffic on YouTube.

Create Simple Or Complex Videos, Upload, And Optimize Them For Rankings

There are so many services (free and paid) to create videos for any purpose. Whether it’s a simple text and slide-based video, or a complex animated video — it doesn’t matter. Upload your content via videos and start creating. Optimize them for different keywords, tags, titles, and add a nice description with a link to your website or another offer. It’s really that simple, just rinse and repeat.

Create And Upload A Highlight Reel Video

Video provides a unique opportunity to convey the energy and excitement of a live event. Great visuals and catchy audio are a potent combination that drives registration. It also creates engagement opportunities as the video is shared with friends and other networks.

Network With Others By Commenting On Other Videos And Contributing

Some may consider this a spammy tactic, but it’s not if you utilize it properly. By interacting on other videos and channels, being helpful, and participating in discussions — you will easily generate interest and establish yourself. In some situations, other channel owners will offer to promote you or help you out.

Market On Pinterest

Over the last few years, Pinterest has positioned itself firmly as a means for sharing, storyboarding, and spreading ideas, products, and different information. Better yet, it’s not just for images anymore. The platform has the massive potential to drive loads of traffic on essential autopilot, you just have to utilize it properly. The following are just a few different ways you can market your products on Pinterest.

Add And Upload Your Own Images Of Your Products, Crafts, Or Creations

Sure there’s tons of content already out there that you can post, contribute, and pin around. But you can also upload your own images of your products, crafts, or anything else to the platform. This not only gives your account and brand an original edge and authority, but it will also create loads of traffic all piloting back to you.

Network With Other Pinterest Users By Communicating & Promoting Them

Pinterest has a gigantic user base, and it’s super easy to interact with other users and make awesome connections. By doing this, you’ll easily increase your authority, expand your audience, and maybe even end up getting promoted by some bigger accounts or celebrities that use Pinterest. Just stay active and persistent on the platform and you’ll see success.

Market On Instagram

Instagram is by far the most popular platform and app for sharing images on the go, not including older sites like Flickr. But even so, Instagram has now found its way into many big businesses and all sorts of marketers campaigns. With that said, the following are just a few ways that you can market anything on Instagram.

Upload Photos Of The Inner-Workings of Your Business Or Your Life

Let’s face it, people love to witness a behind the scene’s experience from a business or even an individual that they like. Showing off the different aspects of how your business functions, or sharing specific details about your personal life can be a great way to connect with your audience personally. It also gets people talking!

